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Escape Team: Training Mission


The use of audio in games is not limited to just video games. There have been several games that have made use of audio components over the years. One popular example is the 1979 board game Stop Thief, in which players use a handhold calculator-like electronic and sound effects device called a crime scanner, to catch the thief.

Today with smart phones commonplace, several games have now included audio elements that can be downloaded as an app to use while playing the game. Escape Team is one such game, in which you listen to the clues in the app while deciphering the paper clues to solve the mystery.


2-4 players


Escape Team QR


Successfully complete the mission before the time runs out.


Download the companion app. Make sure all the mission resources are provide.

Game Mechanics

STart the Escape Team app. The game's story is told through the audio massage and sounds will notify players of new clues.


If the team is able to complete the mission before the time runs our they win, if not they loose.